Lifa Air

Equipment for inspection and cleaning for circular and rectangular air supply and exhaust ducts and HVAC air handling and air conditioning units.

Pneumatic brushing for ducts cleaning

RefriApp distributes this interesting product for the sector.

LIFA AIR Ltd. is part of LIFA IAQ Ltd. group (founded 1988), which is a leading company in IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) business in the global scale. Today the slogan “Solutions for Indoor Air Quality” describes the range of our state-of-the-art products and systems. LIFA AIR has two main product lines: Ventilation Hygiene and Building Protection.

Lifa Air manufactures state-of-the-art equipment for inspection and cleaning of ventilation and a/c systems. Lifa Air improves the Indoor Air Quality of any environment by integrating mechanics, electronics and information technology.

The Lifa Cleaning Concept consists of an evaluation procedure for estimating the need of cleaning and verification of the cleaning result, a mathematical model to select the cleaning brush and the cleaning methods of HVAC system. This ensures the best cleanliness result in minimum time and labour.

It can clean both circular and rectangular ducts

Lifa Air has a unique technology for cleaning rectangular ducts.

All Lifa brushing machines can clean round and rectangular ducts. The machines have been developed by trial-and-error in the field during past 10 years and are therefore very durable and easy to service and maintain.

The rotation direction can be changed using the pneumatic foot control. Changing the direction of rotation enables the user to navigate the brush through bends in ducts.

A video camera option is available for some Lifa cleaning machines. When the cleaning machine is equipped with a video camera, the user can inspect the efficiency and result of cleaning, view obstructions and check the automated steering devices via a TV monitor, during actual cleaning.

Cleaning Machines / Negative Air Vacuums

The Lifa HepaClean negative pressure vacuum / air cleaners are designed and engineered for construction and renovation work and ventilation cleaning.

They are also certified for asbestos abatement and removal of other hazardous dusts.

The machines are suitable for handling dry air containing dust such as asbestos, quartz, hardwood, mineral wool, microorganisms, mould and fungus spores, etc.

The multi-stage filtration system is designed so that each filter can be easily and separately changed: this minimizes replacement filter costs and airflow restrictions, and maximizes filtration efficiency and dirt holding capacity.

The machines are built form steel and best possible components in order to ensure maximum durability and to withstand decades of use.

Lifa Air - Presentation

Robot DuctControl in a circular duct

Ask us a quote for Lifa Air without commitment
Meet our prices and financing facilities
Discover Lifa Air catalog with all its technical features.
Information regarding Lifa Air training courses.

 For more information visit the Lifa Air official website.


RefriApp Services

Our services range from own repair and maintenance of the systems we sell, to engineering planning services for improvement in facilities, education and training.
Repair and service center
At RefriApp we undertake to repair any of our systems or to solve any doubt or question about them.
Refrigerant Circuits Cleaning
We serve to the professionals our experience and our systems for cleaning refrigeration equipment.
Facilities Improvement and Optimization planning
Our engineers are specialized in improvement plans and optimization of refrigeration facilities.
Download Area
Our product manuals and other useful information.
Glossary of Terms
We provide you with a complete glossary defining the terms related to refrigeration sector.
Education and Training Services
We have extensive experience training professionals for the appropriate use of our systems.

Download Area

Information about our Products and Services

Download information from our equipment and systems or case studies.
Product brochures
Our product brochures: Fri3Oil System, ClimaCheck, LecoSystem, Ultraprobe, Metreco, Neutronics and Lifa.
User manuals
Consult the user manuals of our main products.

Fri3Oil System





Neutronics Refrigerant Identifiers


Fri3Oil System

  • Manual de usuario Fri3Oil System  /  Castellano, v2013. Sólo Clientes.
  • Fri3Oil System user manual  /  English, v2013. Only Customers.




Neutronics Refrigerant Identifiers

Technical and commercial presentations about RefriApp products and services.
Check out the list of free resources we offer.



Leaks detection and control



IT Resources

Case studies
Download case studies here our recovery services, cleaning and recycling of refrigerating equipment or facilities improvement reports.

R22 retrofit on AC System in Barcelona

Estudio comparativo de 4 refrigerantes para baja temperatura de evaporación

Retrofit de un sistema con R-404A a R-407A

Retrofit de un sistema frigorífico con R-404A a R-407A, en baja temperatura de evaporación( -30ºC). Personal de Ramifrío, Joaquín Tena, Fernando Gutiérrez. Diciembre, 2013.

Aplicación práctica de equipo con R-442 a baja temperatura

Tech Service Assistance

Tech Service Center

RefriApp repair and maintenance systems that we sell.
Repair and Maintenance Guaranteed
The after-sales service guarantees to all our customers, thanks to the team and technological resources that integrate RefriApp.

RefriApp conceives the perfect after-sales service from the counseling and care to offer the best solution to our customers. Doubts, special needs, unexpected failures or emergencies need to be answered as quickly as possible effectively.

We have an after-sales Service Center for Fri3Oil System repairs, national and worldwide.

Our mechanics team will update your F3OS to a Brand new state.

Tech Service Assistance
We guarantee the after-sales service center for repair our machines, around the country and internationally.

Tech Service Assistance Contact

  • Polígono Industrial La Juaida
    C/ Sierra Alhamilla, 47. 04240. Viator
    Almería, Spain
  • +34 950 304 479 (Assistance in Spain)
    +34 628 754 191 (International assistance)

Cleaning refrigerant circuits

Cleaning Refrigerant circuits

We serve industry professionals all our experience and equipment for cleaning refrigeration equipment.
Technical assistance for cleaning refrigeration circuits
RefriApp makes available to professionals in the refrigeration and air conditioning our experience in following scenarios:
  • Compressor mechanical failure or electrical failure, lack of lubricity, oil acidity, etc.
  • Conversions of R22+MO –> HFC+POE/PAG.
  • Water inlet due to a heat exchanger fracture.
Equipment rental
We offer to our customers our technologies also through eventual rent of our systems for specific cases:
  • Compressor failure because acidity.
  • Water inlet by a heat exchanger connected.
  • Conversion or retrofit of R22 facilities.
  • Inspection, search and solving other problems, etc.

Cleaning latest projects

Training course WATEX at our customer facilities KOVOSLUŽBA OTS, a. s., Prague
Training course WATEX at our customer facilities KOVOSLUŽBA OTS, a. s., Prague
Thursday, 30 March 2023
Cleaning of refrigeration systems in road transports in Madrid
Cleaning of refrigeration systems in road transports in Madrid
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Cleaning a flooded of water Ciatesa chiller in Madrid
Cleaning a flooded of water Ciatesa chiller in Madrid
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Flushing a supermarket in Madrid
Flushing a supermarket in Madrid
Monday, 13 July 2015

Glosary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

Our glossary contains explanations about terms and interesting concepts from A to Z.



Cuando la radiación electromagnética alcanza un objeto, este absorbe una parte de la energía incidente. La absorción de radiación

infrarroja conlleva el calentamiento del objeto. Un objeto caliente emite más radiación infrarroja que otro más frío. La radiación infrarroja absorbida se convierte en radiación infrarroja emitida por el objeto. El coeficiente de absorción corresponde a la emisividad. La radiación infrarroja incidente sobre el objeto que no se absorbe se refleja o se transmite (se deja pasar).



Por caudal entendemos el volumen de un medio que se mueve a través de una sección transversal dentro de un período de tiempo dado.


Unidad de temperatura. A presión normal el cero de la escala Celsius (0 °C) coincide con el punto de congelación del agua. Otro punto fijo de la escala es el punto de ebullición del agua a 100 °C.

°C = (°F – 32) / 1,8 y °C = K – 273,15.


Es una unidad inteligente especializada en la recolección de datos, especialmente desarrollada para realizar eficazmente “inspecciones de rendimiento”, junto con el software ClimaCheck, de sistemas de refrigeración, aire acondicionado y bomba de calor.


Un condensador es un intercambiador de calor entre fluidos, de modo que mientras uno de ellos se enfría, pasando de estado gaseoso a estado líquido, el otro se calienta. Se fabrican en tamaños y disposiciones diversas para ser empleados en numerosos procesos térmicos.



Un condensador es un intercambiador de calor entre fluidos, de modo que mientras uno de ellos se enfría, pasando de estado gaseoso a estado líquido, el otro se calienta. Se fabrican en tamaños y disposiciones diversas para ser empleados en numerosos procesos térmicos.


Fri3Oil System

Es un sistema basado en una máquina frigorífica, pensada por frigoristas especialmente desarrollado para la limpieza de circuitos frigoríficos de un modo completamente AUTOMÁTICO y que sirve para otras funciones, como Recuperar y al mismo tiempo Reciclar TODOS los refrigerantes halocarbonados.



High-efficiency particulate air.



LecoSystem es un sistema electrónico calibrado para el control y la detección a distancia de fugas de refrigerante en instalaciones de frío comercial e industrial.

Lifa Air

Equipos para la inspección y la limpieza deconductos de ventilación y de aire acondicionado.


NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infrared)

NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infrared) sensors are simple spectroscopic devices often used for gas analysis. The key components of an NDIR sensor are an infrared source (lamp), a sample chamber or light tube, a wavelength filter and an infrared detector. The gas is pumped or diffuses into the sample chamber and gas concentration is measured electro-optically by its absorption of a specific wavelength in the infrared (IR).



The REA is an outer container of oil (7.1 litres), three-level viewfinders, which mainly has 4 different uses:

  1. REA Permanent: Connected to the basic system machine, its mission is to take all the impurities from the cleaning of cooling circuits: oils, acids, water, etc.
  2. REA Intermediate: This REA is placed between the basic machine and the Fri3Oil System where we have water. Their goal is receiving most of the water from circuit, preventing it from getting into the basic machine and thus not form ice
  3. Management and use of POE or PAG oils. Due to hygroscopicity of these oils, it is advisable to introduce, just open your container in a REA, and pressurize with vapor refrigerant or N2. In this way, the oil will remain tight and away from moisture, in order to use the quantities we want in the time frame we want, without prejudice to the oil.
  4. Handling lubrication enhancing additives. These additives are very similar to those POE oils, and somewhat hygroscopic. So it’s recommended to handle with REA’s to not to damage it.


UltraProbe 100

Ultraprobe 100 KT1 es un receptor de ultrasonidos, que puede detectar y localizar cualquier sonido de alta frecuencia.

Aplicado a la refrigeración y el aire acondicionado, puede detectar las turbulencias que se producen en un escape de gas de una instalación.

Optimization Studies for R&AC Installations

Optimization Studies for R&AC Installations

Our Engineers are specialized in studies of improvement and optimization of Refrigeration and AC installations.
Optimization Analysis of R&AC Systems
We offer to our customers studies to evaluate the possible improvement of their refrigeration installations.
Energy efficiency studies in Facilities
RefriApp makes available to their clients the experience of their professionals in the study and evaluation of the energy efficiency of their facilities. The refrigerant industry is a significant energy consumer.

The refrigerant industry is a significant energy consumer.

Until recently, the aspect of energy consumption of the facilities did not have the adequate design, implementation, or maintenance. However, increases in electricity prices and ongoing adjustments in the prices of the products, they are causing in recent years a radical change in the approach to this aspect by those responsible for industries.

As a result of insufficient significance that was given to the consumer, we have now a strong potential for improving efficiency and design of new foreclosures and modifications of plants in service as well as energy saving on maintenance existing and new.

Thanks to the team of technical professionals available at RefriApp, and with tools for monitoring and evaluation of refrigeration systems, as ClimaCheck, we offer:

  • Energy efficiency full reports.
  • Improvements reports, analysing before and after a cleaning on a circuit.
  • Troubleshooting.

Recent studies conducted

Retrofit of a Climaveneta chiller in Huelva
Retrofit of a Climaveneta chiller in Huelva
Monday, 10 February 2014
Retrofit of a chiller in Madrid
Retrofit of a chiller in Madrid
Thursday, 19 December 2013

FAQs ClimaCheck


The most complete energy efficiency analyzer for refrigeration systems in the international market.

How do I troubleshoot if I get strange results?

If you experience unexpected or unrealistic data it is important to methodically check data and possible sources of error. All analysing of performance will regardless of method depend on both the accuracy of input and the use of proper calculations. The calculations is in the case of ClimaCheck defined by the used template and there are different templates for different applications. With ClimaCheck you can use the following troubleshooting method if you experience a deviation from expected or references values.

  1. Check measurement by measurement that each value is realistic. The best way to do this is obviously with a second meter if you have a specific issue but there are several means of identifying issues by looking at the measurements.
  2. Pressure sensors are typically quite linear with the most common error affecting offset. This means that it is often enough to checked versus atmosphere pressure but comparing with a traceable reference is always best.
  3. At stand still the pressure normally equalise if there is no solenoid. If both pressure sensors show the same you can almost be certain the measurements are good as it is a low likelihood two sensors with different ranges should show the same. You can also run pump/fans and stop compressor pressure should then equalise with the temperature of incoming air/water.
  4. It is normally also know what pressure is expected at a given exiting air/water temp of evaporator/condenser. Small deviations of pressure measurements has a low impact on performance and large should be identified by strange pressure readings.
  5. Temperature sensors/measurements with ClimaCheck is done with high accuracy Pt1000 class A sensors these can best be checked versus a known traceable reference.
  6. If you run the system with some flash gas at the sight glass the sub cool should be near zero.
  7. Power measurement most often creating “problems”. There are many computations with 3-phase power measurements and it is more seldom alternative measurement equipment with high accuracy is available.
  8. The easiest way to check is to compare power with compressor manufacturer data (the leading manufacturers often have softwares with reliable data whereas some offer less reliable data. It is important if you want to have high accuracy to be aware of that inaccuracy increase if you are below 20% of range of current transformers.
  9. You can check the power with a multimeter Volt/Amp measurement together with an assumption of 0.8-0.85 as normal power factor if you do not have detailed info. But this is more of an estimate.
  10. The only assumption the ClimaCheck method use is the energy balance over the compressor and the 93% will be a good assumption for heat losses for hermetic and semi hermetic compressors (the maximum identified in a survey was 10% and minimum 3% e.g. the error will be maximum 3-4% at extreme cases). This is only true if there is no additional cooling e.g. heat exchange with ambient air in a cabinet/room or external cooling through special devices such as oil or water cooling. External cooling can be:
  11. Liquid carry over from evaporator. This will give a warning for low superheat but also give a fictive high compressor efficiency (also gives warning) and fictive high COP/Capacity. Very few if any compressor manufacturers accept liquid carry over as this will drastically affect compressor lubrication as the liquid carry over will increase the refrigerant content of the oil which decrease the viscosity that result in increased wear and shortened lifetime expectance. Liquid carry over is a common problem on air to air and air to water heat pumps that are often originally designed for.
  12. Air cooling; if forced air is blown over the compressor the heat losses will increase in particular if the air is cold. This can be the case on condensing and low temperature semi hermetic compressors with fans to cool cylinder head. This can be handled:
  13. By shielding the compressor from the forced air flow if the pressure ratio is not so high that extra cooling is required or by shutting of the fan if the conditions allow this e.g. if the discharge is monitored to stay within allowable limits. Shielding is often easily done with a sheet of insulation or cardboard or similar. There is no requirement to make it tight just to remove the forced air as this increase the heat losses drastically.
  14. By adjusting the heat losses in the constant sheet. To identify what heat loss to use there are several means either experience can be used or comparison with the what is the measurement if the system can be monitored under known condition without fan.
  15. Oil/water cooling. This is common on larger compressor in particular in the industry and require additional measurements and special templates for calculations see special information on this.
  16. Liquid injection. To inject liquid injection can extend envelope of a compressor but as it decrease efficiency to inject liquid refrigerant it should only be used when necessary e.g. extreme conditions. This is often controlled by discharge or motor temperature. These systems require special calculations and accuracy can be significantly affected if effect of liquid injection is not known and taken into account.

I´m about to measure a chiller with a subcooler. What do I need to have with me on site?

Go to and go to ”Flowcharts and Templates”. Here you will find required equipment for most different units. In the case of a sub-cooler, you will need a template, 8 temperature sensors, 2 pressure transmitters and a power meter.

Do I need to measure the temperature between the hot gas heat exchanger and the condenser?

No, not unless you are interested in the hot gas heat exchanger capacity separately. Standard measurement with temperature measurements on hot gas pipe and after the condenser will give the total rejected heat with accurate COP. If measured with a separate sensor between the hot gas heat exchanger and condenser connected to the variable TT_Cond_in, software will show condenser capacity plus hot gas heat exchanger capacity. If you add water temperatures in and out from the heat exchanger you must use an optional module for four temperatures (RTD04) available for both field – and fixed measurement.

I have two compressors in the same refrigerant circuit. How do I do?

Normally, you measure joint hot gas temperature and power input to both the compressors when there is only one refrigerant circuit. Compressor efficiency is obtained for both compressors. By using a temperature sensor (normally TT_8) on one of the compressors it is easy to check that both of the compressors have the same temperature.

Compressor efficiency is 95%, it seems high?

If the compressor efficiency is unreasonably high, it is because errors in the measurement or if the compressor has an active cooling. Active cooling can be a fan, water or oil cooling or liquid injection. It may also be a result of liquid refrigerant in the suction line of which boils and cools the compressor. For stable operation and without cooling, compressor efficiency for the most efficient compressors have a compressor efficiency of appr. 75%.

Do I need to measure flow on the secondary side to get the COP?

No, the ClimaCheck method gives COP, heating – and cooling capacity, Compressor Efficiency etc without any flow measurement. By using the temperature and pressure measurements, most cooling processes using thermodynamic data for refrigerants and energy laws are analysed.

I have a portable device. Can I measure and analyse all types of plants?

In principle, any system can be measured but for complex systems this normally requires additional sensors and specialized information. As standard you can measure a lot of different plants. For example, a circuit with the condenser, heat exchanger or suction gas heat exchanger changer. PC-templates for these units are included as standard ClimaCheck portable devices but sent upon request to ensure that the correct model is used for different systems. Units with two circuits require more sensors. To see what accessories you need for a given circuit, go to ”Templates & Flowcharts”.

Does ClimaCheck work on transcritical CO2 systems?

Absolutely. We have extensive experience in measuring transcritical units and supplies for new construction and field measurements in particular the retail market since 2009. The measurements are of great help in such commissioning and troubleshooting. Contact us for more information.

Where I can find the manuals?

Manuals are installed together with the software during a special help and libraries, and many can be downloaded on the website. Before the start of measurement, it is important that you have the correct template and the right equipment. Many can be downloaded from the website under “Documentation and FAQs”.

What are the benefits with ClimaCheck Online?

With ClimaCheck online you can from any Internet browser to go in and analyse your plant. ClimaCheck sends data over the Internet to our server where the analysis is done. Therefore, no software is required. In ClimaCheck Online, energy statistics and reports are included. Here, the plant owners can easily see how much energy the plant uses and there are also features that reflects historical energy consumption which gives a good indication of how the system is optimized.

I measure the electrical input of a residential heat pump and I believe the value is not correct

The current clamps supplied with portable equipment have a measurement error of up to 3% in the range 20-100 A. Below 20 A, the accuracy is poor, and we recommend to use fixed current transformers instead. With an input power of 3 kW electrical output of the measurement error can be above 10%, which affects the cooling- and heating capacity with the same error, while the COP value is not affected.

Is it possible to monitor different equipment from the same client, located at the same place at the same time, using single ClimaCheck equipment?

Each ClimaCheck central unit “PA Pro” has 8 pressures and 8 temperatures on board and can be expanded with additional modules most common is the RTD04 with 4 temp. These are connected to the central unit with a “telephone cable” so they are easy to extend to get x*4 temp at some distance. This said wiring is expensive so distances put some limits on cost effectiveness. If you have two chillers close to each other it is clear you normally would connect these to one PA Pro. If they would be 50-100 m apart you would typically use 2 PA Pro. If you look at the pricing you will see that the PA Pro central unit is quite cost effective versus the expansion units. Then when it comes to communication over modem there are two ways either RS232 modems for single PA Pros or Router modems for LAN with multiple PA Pros there is an added cost to the Router modem but for several PA Pros it is clearly much cheaper. The result is that there can be a cost effectiveness to expand the first PA Pro but if you move to two PA Pros then there is less cost advantage. Each PA Pro can handle maximum 100 analogue “channels” where maximum 50 can be on bus communication. Both the ClimaCheck software and ClimaCheck Online can be set up to take data from one Source and split and present it to several analyses.

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