Celebration of V Seminar about monitoring technologies on refrigeration systems in Almeria

Celebration of V Seminar about monitoring technologies on refrigeration systems in Almeria

To end our 2015 Events Programme, RefriApp presented in Almeria the wireless digital analyzer that monitoring HVAC and refrigeration systems, Metreco, manufactured by Panimpex, as well as other special technologies for the maintenance of refrigeration systems which RefriApp manufactures and distributesThe event, held on Monday 21st December at our facilities, attended by technicians and specialists in HVAC industry, who showed a great interest about the latest technologies on the market.

In the first part of the event, Nando Gutiérrez, General Manager of RefriApp, after welcoming the participants and summarize the details of the seminar, he made a presentation of the Refriapp business lines, including its products and services.


Then, the Technical Manager of RefriAppPaco García, made a technical introduction of the Metreco system. A wireless digital analyzer that measures and records real-time critical data of the refrigeration systems, including the COP.

After a coffee-break, the attendees saw the installation and operation of Metreco and ClimaCheck systems as well as comparative data between both systems running on a portable refrigeration circuit.

After that, Nando Gutierrez intervened again presenting the ultrasonic leak detection system, UltraProbe manufactured by UE Systems.


Finally, a Fri3Oil System practice was carried out in order to remove all contaminated oil in a refrigeration system.


This theoretical and practical event is framed within the cycle of Metreco (the wireless digital analyzer that monitoring HVAC and refrigeration systems) presentations that RefriApp held throughout this year 2015 (which we celebrated earlier in the cities of Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Seville).

Check out the following photo gallery:


RefriApp presented in Seville HVAC monitoring technologies

RefriApp presented in Seville HVAC monitoring technologies

Sevilla was the fourth chosen city by RefriApp (after Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao) to present the wireless digital analyzer Metreco, manufactured by Panimpex, as well as other special technologies for the maintenance of refrigeration systems which RefriApp manufactures and distributesThe event, held on Friday 6th November at the Meliá Lebreros Hotel, attended by technicians and specialists in HVAC industry, who showed a great interest about the latest technologies on the market.

In the first part of the event, Nando Gutiérrez, General Manager of RefriApp, after welcoming the participants and summarize the details of the seminar, he made a presentation of the Refriapp business lines, including its products and services.

Then, the Technical Manager of RefriApp, Paco Garcia, made a technical introduction of the Metreco system. A wireless digital analyzer that measures and records real-time critical data of the refrigeration systems, including the COP.

After a coffee-break, the attendees saw the installation and operation of Metreco and ClimaCheck systems as well as comparative data between both systems running on a portable refrigeration circuit.


To conclude, Nando Gutierrez intervened again presenting the ultrasonic leak detection system, Ultraprobe, manufactured by UE Systems.

This theoretical and practical event is framed within the cycle of Metreco technology presentations that RefriApp held throughout this year 2015. After Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Seville, Almeria will be the last geographical area.

Bilbao hosted the presentation of RefriApp HVAC monitoring technologies

Bilbao hosted the presentation of RefriApp HVAC monitoring technologies

This time Bilbao was the city chosen to present the wireless digital analyzer Metreco, manufactured by Panimpex, as well as other special technologies for the maintenance of refrigeration systems which RefriApp manufactures and distributesThe event, held on Friday 18th September at the NH La Avanzada Hotel, attended by technicians and specialists in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, who showed a great interest about the latest technologies on the market.

The seminar was divided, like the preceding developed in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​into a theorical session and a practical session at the hotel’s water chiller .

In the first part of the event, Nando Gutiérrez, General Manager of RefriApp, after welcoming the participants and summarize the details of the seminar, he made a presentation of the Refriapp main lines business, including its products and services.

Then, the Technical Manager of RefriApp, Paco Garcia, made a technical introduction of the Metreco system. A wireless digital analyzer that measures and records real-time critical data of the refrigeration systems, including the COP.


After a coffe-break, all participants moved to the Ferroli water chiller, located on the roof. Once there, they saw the installation and operation of Metreco and ClimaCheck systems as well as comparative data between both systems running on the chiller.

To conclude, Nando Gutierrez intervened again presenting the ultrasonic leak detection system, Ultraprobe, manufactured by UE Systems. Furthermore, a practice of its simple but effective operation on a portable circuit was performed.


This theoretical and practical event is framed within the cycle of Metreco technology presentations that RefriApp held throughout this year 2015. After Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao, the following geographical areas will be chosen Western Andalusia and Almería.

You can check out the photo gallery of this event:


RefriApp y Panimpex unen sus fuerzas con la presentación de Metreco en Madrid

RefriApp y Panimpex unen sus fuerzas con la presentación de Metreco en Madrid

RefriApp presentó bajo una gran expectación el pasado día 10 de abril en Madrid la aplicación Metreco, el sistema inalámbrico para el análisis de rendimiento de los sistemas frigoríficos desarrollado por la compañía belga Panimpex.

Nando Gutiérrez, General Manager de RefriApp, inició el seminario presentando los productos y servicios que ofrece nuestra compañía, entre los que destaca el sistema para la limpieza de circuitos frigoríficos, único en el mercado mundial, Fri3Oil System.


Nando Gutiérrez, General Manager de RefriApp, en el Seminario-Presentación de Metreco en Madrid.

A continuación, Jean Paul Peirs y Bernard Peirs, desarrolladores de Metreco, explicaron las características principales de su sistema y contestaron a las preguntas formuladas por los asistentes al evento. Metreco es un sistema analizador inalámbrico que permite, de forma rápida y bastante precisa, la medición en tiempo real de los principales parámetros de funcionamiento de las instalaciones frigoríficas, como el COP o la Capacidad Frigorífica, convirtiéndose en una herramienta muy valiosa para mecánicos y técnicos del sector en el mantenimiento de sus instalaciones.


Jean Paul Peirs, de Panimpex, explicando las características principales de Metreco.

Tras un pequeño receso, todos los asistentes se desplazaron a la azotea del edificio para comprobar in situ la instalación y funcionamiento de Metreco en la enfriadora del hotel y, además, poder comparar la información obtenida en relación a la medida por ClimaCheck, el analizador del rendimiento energético de instalaciones frigoríficas.


Los asistentes al Seminario-Presentación probando el sistema Metreco instalado en la enfriadora del hotel.

Con el acuerdo alcanzado, RefriApp se convierte en distribuidor para España y Portugal de este novedoso sistema para el sector. Sin duda un paso más de la compañía almeriense por ofrecer las aplicaciones más avanzadas para el mantenimiento de instalaciones frigoríficas.

Metreco viene a completar la oferta de herramientas especiales de RefriApp:

  • Fri3Oil System: limpieza, reciclaje y recuperación de los sistemas frigoríficos.
  • Climacheck: Analizador de rendimiento de instalaciones frigoríficas y monitorización a distancia de las mismas.
  • LECO System: Sistema de detección y control de fugas a distancia.
  • Ultraprobe100KT1: Localizador de fugas por ultrasonidos.
  • LIFA Air: Maquinaria de limpieza de conductos de ventilación  extracción.

El acto concluyó con una pequeña demostración práctica del uso y aplicaciones del localizador portátil por ultrasonidos para la detección de fugas de refrigerante, Ultraprobe, que contó con gran aceptación entre los técnicos y especialistas presentes en el seminario.

Galería fotográfica del evento:

