ClimaCheck nominado para E-prize 2017

ClimaCheck nominado para E-prize 2017

Veckans Affärer (a swedish business magazine) and E.ON (leading energy provider) have nominated ClimaCheck as one of the finalists in E-Prize 2017 in the category “Energy efficiency”. The E-prize is awarded at the seminar “Sustainable Business” on October the 11th. It is the ninth year in a row that the E-prize is awarded.

“We at ClimaCheck are very happy and proud that our commitment and technology related to energy efficiency are highlighted in this way” said K. Bergloff ClimaCheck’s CEO.

Read more about the prize on  EON’s website here (swedish)



Fri3Oil System evoluciona a  WAT! Water Advance Treatment. Presentación en Chillventa 2016

Fri3Oil System evoluciona a WAT! Water Advance Treatment. Presentación en Chillventa 2016

RefriApp tiene el orgullo de presentar hoy a nivel mundial su nuevo modelo del sistema de limpieza de circuitos frigoríficos WAT! Water Advance Treatment en su stand 8/8-207.

Este nuevo modelo es una evolución del exitoso Fri3Oil System V.E.A.3 con múltiples mejoras encaminadas a un manejo más sencillo, intuitivo y automático así como mejorar, de manera destacable, las limpiezas de equipos inundados de agua pero siempre manteniendo la esencia del modelo anterior.

Los principales cambios saltan a la vista: todos los mandos están ahora agrupados en la pantalla táctil de equipo, eliminando elementos auxiliares como controlador, termostato o manómetros.

La mirilla de control está ahora junto a la pantalla táctil  y dispone de iluminación haciendo su lectura mucho más fácil, se han eliminado las válvulas manuales siendo ahora todas automáticas. Además se ha actualizado el diseño de colores e indicaciones exterior.

En el interior se ha modificado desde cero el software que la controla cambiando el PLC y la pantalla táctil, más potentes,  pudiendo añadir sensores analógicos que permiten mejorar la automatización de la máquina y hacerla más sencilla de uso y fiable.

Se ha añadido una nueva función de Hot-Gas que permite la limpieza de circuitos inundados de agua pudiendo derretir cualquier bloqueo de hielo al instante. Esta nueva función es la que da nombre a esta versión WAT! Water Advance Treatment ya que mejora de manera notable las limpiezas con agua.

El sistema saldrá a la venta a partir del próximo 01 de Noviembre pero podrá conocerlo en nuestro stand de Chillventa durante estos días.

En próximas fechas actualizaremos nuestra web con todos los datos de este nuevo modelo que sustituye al anterior.



RefriApp shows at Chillventa 2016. October 11th-13th. Hall 8/8-207.

RefriApp shows at Chillventa 2016. October 11th-13th. Hall 8/8-207.

RefriApp invite you to visit us at CHILLVENTA 2016 at Nuremberg next  October 11th -13th.

At our stand you could find all information about our product besides an insteresting NEW that will be revealed during exhibition.

WAT! is coming!

Visit us!

chullventa firma

Date: October 11, 12 and 13, 2016.
Location: Nuremberg, Germany.

RefriApp launches its Corporate Brochure

RefriApp launches its Corporate Brochure

RefriApp launched its corporate brochure which will be used to illustrate the different facets of this young company that manufactures and distributes special applications for maintenance of HVAC and Refrigeration installations worldwide.

The brochure showcases corporate philosophy and  its commitment with innovation, technological development and international expansion, in addition to a detailed review of its different technological solutions (cleaning, diagnosis and analysis and treatment of refrigerant leaks) and engineering services offered to HVAC/R sector.



With a clean and smart visual format and in just 28 pages, any professional interested in the company can get an initial overview of what does and what offers. The corporate brochure will be available in both print and digital format and can be downloaded on the official RefriApp website.

RefriApp is an engineering specialised in the maintenance of HVAC and Refrigeration systems. Our main goal is to lead refrigeration engineers to a more professional environment with appropriate technologies. There are technological advances in any trade sector. We try to gather the best novelties for the refrigeration systems services worldwide.


Fri3Oil System training course for flushing HVAC/R circuits held in Almeria

Fri3Oil System training course for flushing HVAC/R circuits held in Almeria

Last Friday 22 RefriApp held Fri3Oil System training course for flushing HVAC and Refrigeration circuits and recycling of refrigerants.

This course, taught by Technical Manager Paco García-León, took place on RefriApp facilities and focused on the fundamentals of oils and refrigerant gases, principles of operation, how to clean with our system and the different work strategies depending on the characteristics of the installation to be cleaned.


After a break for lunch, a flushing practice of a RAC circuit containing contaminated POE oil was carried out.

This course is included in the full Training Program that RefriApp offered throughout this year 2016, about the special applications for HVAC and Refrigeration systems which the company manufactures and distributes.

The next scheduled event is International ClimaCheck Training Course which will be held April 14-15 in Madrid.

Fri3Oil System is the only one HVACR flushing system in the world market 100% effective. It is registered exclusively by RefriApp, and it allows oils removal, acids or water of any HVAC and Refrigeration system using halocarbon gases, and recycling of these gases.

RefriApp gave ClimaCheck training course on monitoring of HVAC and refrigeration systems

RefriApp gave ClimaCheck training course on monitoring of HVAC and refrigeration systems

RefriApp held ClimaCheck training course on monitoring energy efficiency of HVAC & Refrigeration systems.

The course, taught by technical manager Paco García-León, took place at RefriApp facilities on january 18 and aims at revising the ClimaCheck hardware and software basic concepts, how to use and interpret the results and how to create standard systems reports plus other features of this tool, a leader in the HVACR industry.

Formacion monitorizacion sistemas refrigeracion ClimaCheck

This course is included in the full training program that RefriApp offered throughout this year 2016, about the special applications for HVAC and refrigeration systems which the company manufactures and distributes.

The next scheduled event is Fri3Oil System training course which will be held next Friday 22 also at RefriApp facilities in Almeria.

ClimaCheck is the most complete energy efficiency analyzer for HVAC and refrigeration systems in the international market. Product of Swedish origin, is a global reality for all data of any facility in terms of energy efficiency and thermodynamic efficiency.

RefriApp attending the Advanced Course of Climacheck in Porto

RefriApp attending the Advanced Course of Climacheck in Porto

Members of the RefriApp technical team is attending the ClimaCheck Advanced Level training course. This course is aimed for different companies and distributors of ClimaCheck and is being provided by engineers of the Swedish company moved to Portugal.


This event is taking place on the facilities of Linha Total, distributor of our technology, located in Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto.

Next week, RefriApp will be holding these trainings in Madrid. Check out more info HERE.


ClimaCheck is the most complete energy efficiency analyzer for refrigeration systems in the international market. atented product of Swedish origin, is a global reality for all data of any facility in terms of energy efficiency and thermodynamic efficiency.

Performance and wear detection inspection, or problems in any of the components of a refrigeration system can be made through ClimaCheck software, collection data previously from the cooling circuit. All non-intrusively process, along with the installation.

II Commaintment by Mangu and Friolin

II Commaintment by Mangu and Friolin

Mangu & Friolín teach us what practices of maintenance on HVAC and refrigeration installations are right and wrong. Starting with a decalogue of Refrigeration Commandments, or rather Refrigeration Commaintment.

On this occasion, the Second CommaintmentDo not take the name of “Cleaning” in vain.



