Fri3Oil System International Training in Almeria, Spain Copia

Fri3Oil System International Training
RefriApp, S.L. organizes the 5th Fri3Oil System International training at our Factory in Almería, Spain on December, 13 & 14, 2018.


DAY 1. Thursday, December 13. From 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m., including lunch and coffee break.

DAY 2. Friday, December 14. From 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m., including lunch and coffee break.

  • Date: December 13 – 14, 2018.
  • Classes schedule: 9 a.m – 6 p.m. (2 Days).
  • Location: RefriApp facilities, Almería.
  • Language: Training will be in English.
  • Summary: The training will consist of a theoretical part in which we will learn why R&AC circuits must be cleaned; POE oils hygroscopicity; compressors damage; HCFC+MO retrofits to HFC+POE; water problems when a heat exchanger is communicated; refrigerants recycling, etc.
  • Who should attend: the Course is aimed at professionals with a good experience and understanding of refrigeration processes in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Exchange of experiences between participating experts will be an important part of training.
  • Cost 2-Day Course: 300 Euro per person (including lunches and coffees).
  • Accommodation: Elba Hotel Almería. Tel. (+34) 950 145 390


  • 09:00h: Welcome, RefriApp presentation.
  • 09:30h: Needs os R&AC circuits cleaning.
  • 10:00h: Industry solutions vs. RefriApp method.
  • 10:30h: Coffee break.
  • 11:00h: How Fri3Oil System Works.
  • 14:00h: Lunch break.
  • 15:00h: System performance & technical spec.
  • 16:00h: Special cleaning applications.
  • 16:30h: Practice: Acids & Oils removal and refrigerants recycling practice.
  • 18:00h: End of the day.


  • 09:00h: Start flushing practice with a water chiller unit with water in the refrigeration circuit.
  • 10:30h: Coffee break.
  • 14:00h Lunch break.
  • 17:00h: Refrigerant recovery, and circuit drying.
  • End of the training.
What is Fri3Oil System
Fri3Oil System is the only automatic HVACR circuit cleaning system in the world market 100% effective. It is registered exclusively by RefriApp, and it allows oils removal, acids, water and other substances of any HVAC and Refrigeration system using halocarbon gases, CFCs, HCFCs & HFCs, and recycling of these gases.

This System utilises the existing system refrigerant for cleansing without any need for other consumables / cleansing agents, tha might otherwise be harmful to the refrigeration plant.

Learn more about Fri3Oil System clicking on the image below.

RefriApp Location

Meet Fri3Oil System

Online Registration
You can register for this course by completing the following application form.

*Maximum 20 participants per course will be accepted.

If you have any questions about registration, please write to

I accept the Privacy policy

LIFA Air Brushes

Cepillos para Limpieza de Conductos
La mayor oferta de cepillos para la limpieza de conductos de ventilación, campanas de extracción, chimeneas, etc. Consúltanos medidas, materiales, tipo de conductos… tenemos tu solución, incluido el engranaje en forma de Y exclusivo de LIFA AIR para conductos rectangulares.


Básico Nylon

Combi Nylon

Tynex + Nylon

Tipo flecha

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo básico con cerdas de Nylon.

Ø100 mm X X
Ø125 mm X X
Ø200 mm X X
Ø300 mm X X
Ø400 mm X X
Ø500 mm X X
Ø600 mm X X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo combinado de cerdas de Nylon de 2 durezas para conductos rectangulares.

Ø150/350 mm X X
Ø200/400 mm X X
Ø300/500 mm X X
Ø400/600 mm X X
Ø500/700 mm X X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo con cerdas de Tynex + Nylon.

Ø100 mm X X
Ø150 mm X X
Ø200 mm X X
Ø300 mm X X
Ø400 mm X X
Ø500 mm X X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo de flecha para conductos pequeños.

Ø125 mm X
Ø200 mm X
Ø340 mm X



Blando con Disco

Abrasivo Tynex

Cerdas duras de 1mm


DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo blando.

Ø400 mm X
Ø500 mm X
Ø600 mm X
Ø700 mm X
Ø800 mm X
Ø900 mm X
Ø1000 mm X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo blando con disco.

Ø200/400 mm X
Ø300/500 mm X
Ø400/600 mm X
Ø500/700 mm X
Ø600/800 mm X
Ø700/900 mm X
Ø800/1000 mm X
Ø1000/1200 mm X
Ø1300/1500 mm X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo abrasivo de tynex.

Ø200/400 mm X X
Ø400/600 mm X X
Ø600/800 mm X X
Ø800/1000 mm X X
Ø1000/1200 mm X X
Ø1300/1500 mm X X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo agresivo con cerdas duras de 1 mm.

Ø200 mm X X
Ø300 mm X X
Ø400 mm X X
Ø500 mm X X
Ø600 mm X X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo antiestático.

Ø200/400 mm X
Ø400/600 mm X
Ø600/800 mm X
Ø800/1000 mm X


De Bola

De Bola Nylon + Tynex

Para Grasas Nylon

Cortadora de Grasas

Rasurador Acero

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo de bola.

Ø190 mm X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo de bola con cerdas de Nylon + Tynex.

Ø150 mm X X
Ø250 mm X X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo para grasas con cerdas de Nylon de 2,5 mm

Ø350 mm X
Ø450 mm X
Ø550 mm X
Ø700 mm X
Ø850 mm X
Ø1200 mm X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cortadora de grasas.

Para conductos grandes, ajustable entre 500-1100 mm X
Para conductos pequeña, ajustable entre 250-500 mm X

DESCRIPCIÓN: Cepillo rasurador con cerdas de acero.

Ø100 mm X
Ø125 mm X
Ø160 mm X
Ø200 mm X
Ø250 mm X
Ø315 mm X
Ø400 mm X
Contacta con Nosotros
Cumplimenta el siguiente formulario dejándonos tus datos de contacto y especificando los accesorios que necesitas. Contactaremos rápidamente contigo para resolver tus dudas y ofrecerte un presupuesto competitivo.

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Recipientes y otros Accesorios
Nuestras botellas de recuperación y reciclaje son especiales. Poseen doble toma y doble válvula con una espiga que baja hasta el fondo de la botella. Son esenciales para llevar a cabo una correcta limpieza de un circuito frigorífico e ideales para la recuperación y trasvase de refrigerantes. Envases nuevos y disponibles siempre en stock.

El REA es un recipiente diseñado para el manejo de aceites y aditivos, sean del tipo que sean, aunque especialmente ideado para aquellos de tipo POE o PAG. La higroscopicidad de estos productos hace que se deban manipular con cuidado de no exponerlos al ambiente. Los REAs son perfectos para esa tarea. Poseen tres mirillas de control, una toma de líquido con sonda hasta abajo del recipiente, y otra de vapor que facilita la carga y descarga del aceite. Una vez guardado el aceite, se presuriza con vapor de refrigerante, o nitrógeno seco, para su correcto almacenamiento, fuera del alcance de la humedad del ambiente. Cargar el aceite al peso con un REA es sencillo, preciso y seguro.


Botella pulmón

Calentador CTZ

REA Recipiente Exterior de Aceite
Botella pulmón 2 válvulas L+V
CTZ Calentador Térmico de las botellas
Contacta con Nosotros
Cumplimenta el siguiente formulario dejándonos tus datos de contacto y especificando los accesorios que necesitas. Contactaremos rápidamente contigo para resolver tus dudas y ofrecerte un presupuesto competitivo.

Acepto la Política de privacidad



Fittings de conexión

Fri3Oil System WAT!


Connection Fittings

Si necesitas Unir, tenemos la Solución
Cualquier conexión entre circuitos, herramientas, maquinaria… lo que necesites en esta vasta gama de elementos de conexión de todo tipo, incluyendo válvulas extractoras/depresoras de obús, alicates para hacer tomas de presión, reducciones, codos… etc. Consulta precios y descuentos.
1/4″ – 3/8″
1/4″ – 5/16″
1/4″ – 5/16″
1/4″ – 5/16″
SAE H – SAE M 1/4″ – 3/8″
3/8″ – 1/4″
SAE M 1/4″
1/4″ – 3/8″
NPT M – SAE M 1/8″ – 1/4″
1/4″ – 1/4″
1/4″ – 3/8″
1/8″ – 3/8″
3/8″ – 1/4″
“T” SAE M 1/4″
CODO SAE M – SAE H LOCO 1/4″ – 1/4″
1/4″ – 5/16″
SAE M 1/4″
Contacta con Nosotros
Cumplimenta el siguiente formulario dejándonos tus datos de contacto y especificando los accesorios que necesitas. Contactaremos rápidamente contigo para resolver tus dudas y ofrecerte un presupuesto competitivo.

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Fri3Oil System WAT!



Evita pérdidas de refrigerante
Las mangueras que comercializa RefriApp son ideales para cualquier trabajo de recuperación trasvase o carga de refrigerantes o aceites. De distintas longitudes y medidas de conexión, existe una oferta amplia para cubrir cualquier necesidad. También, existe la posibilidad de fabricar ad hoc la medida que se desee. Consúltanos.
0.24 3/8” 3/8”
0.6 3/8” 3/8”
1.5 1/4″ 1/4″
1/4″ 3/8”
1.8 1/4″ 1/4″
2.5 1/4″ 1/4″
4 1/4″ 1/4″
1/4″ 3/8”
10 1/4″ 1/4″
1/4″ 3/8”
3/8” 3/8”
Contacta con Nosotros
Cumplimenta el siguiente formulario dejándonos tus datos de contacto y especificando los accesorios que necesitas. Contactaremos rápidamente contigo para resolver tus dudas y ofrecerte un presupuesto competitivo.

Acepto la Política de privacidad



Fittings de conexión

Fri3Oil System WAT!



Accesorios y Componentes

RefriApp ofrece al profesional diferentes accesorios y componentes de nuestras tecnologías frigoríficas especiales. Pincha en las imágenes para conocer más detalles de estos productos.





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Fri3Oil System WATEX

Fri3Oil System WATEX

The R&AC Circuits Cleaning system.

The Evolution of a Unique and Effective system

Exclusive Patent ownership by RefriApp.

Today, there is a major problem in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry due to the hygroscopicity of the polyol ester oils, POE, which are used with HFCs. These oils take humidity from the ambient, becoming acidic. This acidity will harm the compressor and other parts of the installation.

Using the existing system refrigerant for cleansing without any need for other consumables / cleaning agents, that might otherwise be harmful to the refrigeration plant, Fri3Oil System WATEX allows oils, acids, water and other substances removal of any R&AC system.

Fri3Oil System WATEX is environmentally friendly, since it “recycles” refrigerants, avoiding their incineration. Fri3Oil recovers and recycles refrigerant from equipment destined for decommissioning/destruction, without any refrigerant emissions.

Fri3Oil System WATEX is the only automatic R&AC circuits cleaning system Worldwide 100% effective.

The Evolution of Fri3Oil System

In 2016, RefriApp launched its new model of the R&AC circuits cleaning system onto the market.

WATEX includes multiple improvements for easier and automatic handling, emphasizing the improvement in cleaning of water-flooded systems.

New Features

  • New “Hot-Gas” feature that facilitates the cleaning of water flooded circuits, melting any ice block instantly.
  • Elimination of external controls: everything is controlled and displayed on the graphic terminal.
  • Design update.
  • Complete modification of software: new PLC and graphic terminal, which complete the automation of the system.
  • Automatic high-low compensation, before starting the compressor.
  • Control sightglass: new position and lighting.

Business Partners in the development of Fri3Oil System WATEX

Gas Servei
Carburos Metálicos

Removes acids, oils and water

Fri3Oil System is able to extract the acids, generated by POE oils, water and impurities generated within the system.

Fri3Oil System WATEX in addition, is ideal for the recovery and cleanup “in situ” of all refrigerants, with a very interesting capacity of decanting: it is able to move more than 115kg / hour of R-22. This circumstance makes Fri3Oil System perfect for retrofits facilities with mineral oil, MO, a POE oil, with HFCs. That is commonly called retrofit.

Multiawared Product

Fri3Oil System has received major international awards demonstrating that it is an innovative and unique product in the market worldwide.
  • Enables: Quick and effective on site cleaning of systems following burn-out or breakdown.
  • Improves: The performance and operating performance of refrigeration plant, reducing running costs.
  • Extends: The life of plant by removing harmful contents.
  • Avoids: Costly refrigerant disposal by incineration.
  • Overcomes: The need to use solvents or cleaning agents to clean systems, by using the refrigerant itself as the cleaning medium.
  • Shortens: The time required to carry out remedial maintenance to return the system to full operating performance and efficiency.

Certified by Bureau Veritas ensuring:

  1. Refrigerants recycling quality is less than 150 ppm for HFC’s and less than 600 ppm for HCFC’s.
  2. The system cleans any residues, impurities and contamination from any RAC plant.
  3. Transfer capacity corresponds to the values expressed herein.

Safety CE Marking, endorsed by Spanish Notified Body ECA 0056, Madrid and Spanish Patent 2005 registered by OEPM.

All kind of Applications

Applications range using Fri3Oil System are wide. Highlighting among others the following:

Technical Specifications

You can see, by clicking on the next tabs, the main technical and operational specifications of Fri3Oil System.
  • Valid for use in all Refrigeration and Air Conditioning systems.
  • Suitable for fixed and mobile equipment.
  • Valid for large, medium and small size equipment.
  • High speed recovery and recycling of all halocarbon refrigerants: CFC’s, HCFC’s and HFC’s. Including for the first time those of type A2L such as: R32, R545A, R454C, R455A, R1234yf, R1234ze
  • System cleansing following a compressor motor burnout.
  • Total elimination of system acidity.
  • Dewatering installations where a heat exchanger communicates.
  • Conversion equipment to HCFC and HFC refrigerants MO and POE.
  • Pipes internal cleaning of solid particles from welding without inert atmosphere.
  • Refrigerants decanting.
  • Optimization of refrigeration systems in CAP and COP.
  • Decontamination and recycling of equipment that it will be obsolete.
  • Suitable for VRV/VRF, Chillers, Supermarkets / Hypermarkets, etc.

Fri3Oil System WATEX can recover and recycle halocarbon refrigerants with the following features:

  • Average pressure (R-12, R-134, etc.): 75 kg / h. Approx. liquid phase.
  • High pressure (R-22. R-404 AR-507, R-407C, etc.) 115 kg / h approx. liquid phase.
  • High pressure (R-410 A) of 135kg / h. Approx.

5% margin

It uses the same refrigerant that exists in refrigeration systems to remove all oil. After removing these oils, the unit has a liquid separator inside to recycle the refrigerant that is mixed with these substances.

  • Stainless steel Frame.
  • Refrigeration circuit: Copper tube.
  • Stainless steel Heat exchanger.
  • Air Condenser copper tube, Aluminium wing. Frame: galvanized steel sheet.
  • Machine Command: PLC and  touch screen. 20 languages.
  • Electric board: 1st quality products.
  • Total recquired power: 2Kw. Single phase. 220V. AC. 50Hz/60Hz.
  • Compressor: Rotary. Valid for all halocarbon gases.
  • Temperature and Pressure probes.
  • Temperatures: Thermostat and compressor discharge temp.
  • Liquid separator
  • Solenoid valve group: 1/4″ 3/8″.
  • Dimensions (mm) (long-wide-high): 660x400x630.
  • Weight (kg): 62.
  • Portability: 4 wheels, 2 handles.
  • CE Marking.
  • Bureau Veritas Certificate.

Operating Principles

Fri3Oil System bases its operations on three main physical principles:
  • Miscibility / refrigerant solubility with oil and of course with acid.
  • Settling density of the refrigerant / water / oil-acid and acid pressure drag.
  • Liquids separation by refrigerants evaporation.
  • Other physical principles occur in the process, like the pressure differential between injection and suction.
  1. Refrigerant Cylinder
  2. Raise/Drop levels
  3. Water
  4. Liquid refrigerant
  5. Oils + Acids + Suspended solids / Residues
  6. Control sightglass
  7. Expansion device
  8. Liquids separator
  9. Compressor
  10. REA (External Oil Container)

Definition of the System

Physical Principles

Training course WATEX at our customer facilities KOVOSLUŽBA OTS, a. s., Prague
Training course WATEX at our customer facilities KOVOSLUŽBA OTS, a. s., Prague
Cleaning a flooded of water Ciatesa chiller in Madrid
Cleaning a flooded of water Ciatesa chiller in Madrid
Flushing a supermarket in Madrid
Flushing a supermarket in Madrid
Flushing a Hitachi VRV System in Madrid
Flushing a Hitachi VRV System in Madrid
Ask for a quote for Fri3Oil System WATEX without commitment
Meet our prices and financing facilities
F3Oil Sytem WATEX Distributors
Meet all our international distributors and contact us if you want to become one of them.
See the FAQs about Fri3Oil System WATEX
Download technical and commercial info about Fri3Oil System WATEX
Meet the info about our specialized Fri3Oil System WAT! training courses

RefriApp related Products

Fri3Oil System International Training in Almeria, Spain

Fri3Oil System International Training
RefriApp, S.L. organizes the 5th Fri3Oil System International training at our Factory in Almería, Spain on December, 13 & 14, 2018.


DAY 1. Thursday, December 13. From 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m., including lunch and coffee break.

DAY 2. Friday, December 14. From 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m., including lunch and coffee break.

  • Date: December 13 – 14, 2018.
  • Classes schedule: 9 a.m – 6 p.m. (2 Days).
  • Location: RefriApp facilities, Almería.
  • Language: Training will be in English.
  • Summary: The training will consist of a theoretical part in which we will learn why R&AC circuits must be cleaned; POE oils hygroscopicity; compressors damage; HCFC+MO retrofits to HFC+POE; water problems when a heat exchanger is communicated; refrigerants recycling, etc.
  • Who should attend: the Course is aimed at professionals with a good experience and understanding of refrigeration processes in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Exchange of experiences between participating experts will be an important part of training.
  • Cost 2-Day Course: 300 Euro per person (including lunches and coffees).
  • Accommodation: Elba Hotel Almería. Tel. (+34) 950 145 390


  • 09:00h: Welcome, RefriApp presentation.
  • 09:30h: Needs os R&AC circuits cleaning.
  • 10:00h: Industry solutions vs. RefriApp method.
  • 10:30h: Coffee break.
  • 11:00h: How Fri3Oil System Works.
  • 14:00h: Lunch break.
  • 15:00h: System performance & technical spec.
  • 16:00h: Special cleaning applications.
  • 16:30h: Practice: Acids & Oils removal and refrigerants recycling practice.
  • 18:00h: End of the day.


  • 09:00h: Start flushing practice with a water chiller unit with water in the refrigeration circuit.
  • 10:30h: Coffee break.
  • 14:00h Lunch break.
  • 17:00h: Refrigerant recovery, and circuit drying.
  • End of the training.
What is Fri3Oil System
Fri3Oil System is the only automatic HVACR circuit cleaning system in the world market 100% effective. It is registered exclusively by RefriApp, and it allows oils removal, acids, water and other substances of any HVAC and Refrigeration system using halocarbon gases, CFCs, HCFCs & HFCs, and recycling of these gases.

This System utilises the existing system refrigerant for cleansing without any need for other consumables / cleansing agents, tha might otherwise be harmful to the refrigeration plant.

Learn more about Fri3Oil System clicking on the image below.

RefriApp Location

Meet Fri3Oil System

Online Registration
You can register for this course by completing the following application form.

*Maximum 20 participants per course will be accepted.

If you have any questions about registration, please write to

I accept the Privacy policy

ClimaCheck International Training Course in Madrid, Spain Copy

ClimaCheck International Training Course
ClimaCheck and RefriApp offer a training in performance analysing of refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump systems. This International training course will take place in Madrid, Spain on April, 14-15, 2016.


LEVEL 1. Thursday, April 14. From 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., including documentation, coffe-breack, lunch and Social dinner.

LEVEL 2. Friday, April 15. From 09:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m., including documentation, coffe-breack and lunch.

  • Date: April 14 – 15, 2016.
  • Classes schedule: 9 a.m – 5 p.m. (Day 1) and 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Day 2).
  • Location: Hotel Maydrit, Madrid.
    Phone: +34 911969200, e-mail:
  • Language: Training will be done in English.
  • Focused on:
    • Business opportunity and challenges when focus on energy efficiency increase in RAC sector.
    • ClimaCheck onsite and online performance analysing.
    • Performance Inspections and Energy audits.
    • Discuss experiences from Cases with experts.Trouble-Shooting and Energy Optimisation.
  • Who should attend: the Course is aimed at professionals with a good experience and understanding of refrigeration processes in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump systems. Basic understanding of the thermodynamics and practical understanding of the components of a system are prerequisites for the course. Exchange of experiences between participating experts will be an important part of training.
  • Cost 2-Day Course: 400 Euro (including documentation, two lunches, one dinner).
  • Accommodation: Rooms are available at the conference hotel at special price 75-90 Euro/night refer to RefriApp/ClimaCheck reservation or ask us for assistance.

LEVEL 1: basics of ClimaCheck hard and software. How to use and interpret results and create reports on standard systems. This training is aimed for technicians and engineers who has limited experience of ClimaCheck analyses. For those who has no experience we will send out a demo software version upon registration which we recommend participants to study prior to training.

LEVEL 2*: Focus on advanced use of ClimaCheck and optimisation of systems for those who has practical experience from a number of measurements and want to develop the skills to measure and analyse more complex systems. Focus is on analyses, trouble shooting, optimisation and reporting rather than ClimaCheck hard- and software.

*Prior experience of ClimaCheck is required to participate in Level 2.

What is ClimaCheck
Globally 15-20% of the electricity is used by refrigeration processes used everywhere in the society to preserve perishable goods, avoid overheating of processes and keep acceptable comfort for people by cooling or heating.
To maintain temperature is critical for the end-user business but maintaining temperature alone is no longer sufficient.

The new environment offers new business opportunities for consultants and contractors and ClimaCheck has developed state of the art technology to analyse and optimise these systems.

ClimaCheck onsite and ClimaCheck online gives you state-of-the-art methodology for true performance analysis of all types of RAC systems and is increasingly becoming part of the everyday work for contractors, consultants and equipment owners around the world.

Learn more about ClimaCheck clicking on the image below.

Maydrit Hotel Location

Meet ClimaCheck

Online Registration
You can register for this course by completing the following application form. Reserve your place* before March 20 to ensure availability.

*Maximum 20 participants per course will be accepted.

If you have any questions about registration, please write to

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