Climatherm-Energy 2016 has the presence of Fri3Oil System once again

Climatherm-Energy 2016 has the presence of Fri3Oil System once again

G.SOLDATOS & CO EE, Fri3Oil System distributor in Greece, exposes our patented HVAC&R circuits and refrigerant cleaning system (Hall 2, Stand 38) at the biannual event Climatherm – Energy 2016 which is taking place from 25 to 28 February at the Metropolitan Expo from Athens. RefriApp also has its own representation at the fair in order to support the dealer.

Fri3Oil System is the only automatic HVACR circuit cleaning system in the world market 100% effective. It is registered exclusively by RefriApp, and it allows oils removal, acids, water and other substances of any HVAC and Refrigeration system using halocarbon gases, CFCs, HCFCs & HFCs, and recycling of these gases.


Project founded in 1990, “Climatherm” started in the beginning as an annual event and since 1992 it was held every two years. Its long presence in the field has established it as the biggest sectoral exhibition in Greece and this is the basis for its prestige, value and fame. The principle of Project is also to make a step beyond the market’s conditions. Today, they are trying to listen to the sector’s needs. It is not accidental, therefore, that “Climatherm – Energy” is also active in Water Supply, Desalination, Ventilation, Natural Gas and Alternative energy sources.

For further info about this event, visit the official website:

Fri3Oil System is present at the ACR Show 2016 in Birmingham

Fri3Oil System is present at the ACR Show 2016 in Birmingham

Fri3Oil System is present at the ACR Show 2016. Hall 9, stand G20, in the NEC Birmingham, UK. You can pay a visit to our distributor Business Edge Ltd. and ask about our flushing system.

Fri3Oil System is the only automatic HVACR circuit cleaning system in the world market 100% effective. It is registered exclusively by RefriApp, and it allows oils removal, acids, water and other substances of any HVAC and Refrigeration system using halocarbon gases, CFCs, HCFCs & HFCs, and recycling of these gases.

Fri3Oil System in ACR Show UK

The ACR Show 2016, the UK’s only dedicated exhibition for the refrigeration, air conditioning, ventilation, heating and heat pump sectors opens its doors at the NEC, Birmingham, Hall 9 (16-18 February). This biennial event will see 100+ companies exhibiting top brand products, offering live demonstrations and giving advice on affordable and efficient solutions.

For further info about this event, visit the official website:

Fri3Oil System training course for flushing HVAC/R circuits held in Almeria

Fri3Oil System training course for flushing HVAC/R circuits held in Almeria

Last Friday 22 RefriApp held Fri3Oil System training course for flushing HVAC and Refrigeration circuits and recycling of refrigerants.

This course, taught by Technical Manager Paco García-León, took place on RefriApp facilities and focused on the fundamentals of oils and refrigerant gases, principles of operation, how to clean with our system and the different work strategies depending on the characteristics of the installation to be cleaned.


After a break for lunch, a flushing practice of a RAC circuit containing contaminated POE oil was carried out.

This course is included in the full Training Program that RefriApp offered throughout this year 2016, about the special applications for HVAC and Refrigeration systems which the company manufactures and distributes.

The next scheduled event is International ClimaCheck Training Course which will be held April 14-15 in Madrid.

Fri3Oil System is the only one HVACR flushing system in the world market 100% effective. It is registered exclusively by RefriApp, and it allows oils removal, acids or water of any HVAC and Refrigeration system using halocarbon gases, and recycling of these gases.

RefriApp gave ClimaCheck training course on monitoring of HVAC and refrigeration systems

RefriApp gave ClimaCheck training course on monitoring of HVAC and refrigeration systems

RefriApp held ClimaCheck training course on monitoring energy efficiency of HVAC & Refrigeration systems.

The course, taught by technical manager Paco García-León, took place at RefriApp facilities on january 18 and aims at revising the ClimaCheck hardware and software basic concepts, how to use and interpret the results and how to create standard systems reports plus other features of this tool, a leader in the HVACR industry.

Formacion monitorizacion sistemas refrigeracion ClimaCheck

This course is included in the full training program that RefriApp offered throughout this year 2016, about the special applications for HVAC and refrigeration systems which the company manufactures and distributes.

The next scheduled event is Fri3Oil System training course which will be held next Friday 22 also at RefriApp facilities in Almeria.

ClimaCheck is the most complete energy efficiency analyzer for HVAC and refrigeration systems in the international market. Product of Swedish origin, is a global reality for all data of any facility in terms of energy efficiency and thermodynamic efficiency.

VIII Commaintment by Mangu and Friolin

VIII Commaintment by Mangu and Friolin

Once again, Mangu & Friolin teach us what practices of maintenance on HVAC and refrigeration installations are right or wrong. Starting with a decalogue of Refrigeration Commandments, or rather Refrigeration Commaintment.

On this third occasion, the Eighth Commaintment: Do not give false COPs.


Neutronics refrigerant identifiers, new technical solutions for the RefriApp products catalogue

Neutronics refrigerant identifiers, new technical solutions for the RefriApp products catalogue

Thanks to the agreement between Unicorn Tools and RefriApp, our company has recently become Neutronics official distributor in order to offer this equipment for analysis and identification of refrigerant gases.

Neutronics Refrigerant Analysis designs and manufactures advanced refrigerant analysis instruments for automotive and HVAC/R professionals around the globe. The state-of-the-art refrigerant identifiers and A/C sealant detection kits are used to prevent refrigerant contamination and avoid damage to costly A/C service and handling equipment. In hort, it is a family of portable, compact, easy-to-use and very accurate equipment capable of detecting, among others, R22, R134A, R404A, R407C, R410A, hydrocarbons, air and many different blends.



In this way, RefriApp continues its commitment to provide the best technological solutions for the maintenance of HVAC and Refrigeration systems. Besides the Neutronics technology, mentioned above, the Spanish engineering company provides special applications for cleaning and recycling of R&CA circuits, Fri3Oil System; for monitoring and analysing the performance of the installations, Metreco and ClimaCheck; for detection, localization and controlling of refrigerant leaks, Ultraprobe 100kt1 and Lecosystem; or for cleaning and disinfection of ventilation ducts, with leading LIFA Air equipment .

Check out more info of the Neutronics technology:


Metreco nominado finalista a los RAC Cooling Industry Awards 2015

Metreco nominado finalista a los RAC Cooling Industry Awards 2015

El sistema inalámbrico de medición de sistemas de refrigeración Metreco, fabricado por Panimpex y distribuido en España y Portugal por RefriApp, ha sido nominado como finalista en los RAC Cooling Industry Awards 2015, concretamente en la categoría de ‘Refrigeration Innovation of the year – System or Standalone’.

Los RAC Cooling Industry Awards fueron lanzados por la revista RAC en 2004 con el respaldo de los principales usuarios finales y las compañías líderes en la industria de la refrigeración. La primera ceremonia se llevó a cabo en septiembre de ese año con gran éxito. En más de una década, los premios se han convertido en el símbolo de refrigeración de éxito y respetuosa con el medio ambiente.

Los premios proporcionan un enfoque nacional para reconocer, premiar y celebrar los logros de la refrigeración enfocada al medio ambiente y el aire acondicionado. Culmina en una noche de gala que homenajea a los ganadores y finalistas en un hotel de Londres.

Los premios de este año se llevarán a cabo en la tarde del 23 de septiembre en el London Hilton, Park Lane, con más de 500 de los principales actores de la industria que acompañarán y animarán a los ganadores y finalistas. Representantes del sistema inalámbrico de monitorización de sistemas de refrigeración Metreco estarán presentes.

II Commaintment by Mangu and Friolin

II Commaintment by Mangu and Friolin

Mangu & Friolín teach us what practices of maintenance on HVAC and refrigeration installations are right and wrong. Starting with a decalogue of Refrigeration Commandments, or rather Refrigeration Commaintment.

On this occasion, the Second CommaintmentDo not take the name of “Cleaning” in vain.



